Moving Tip:  Measure This Before You Move

Moving Tip: Measure This Before You Move

It’s moving day and the sofa, mattress or some other item doesn’t fit at the new place.  Now you’re pulling your hair out because you have to figure out what the heck to do with that piece of furniture at last minute when you are tired and past done.  Don’t end up like this!  I promise it’s not fun.  (Yes, this happened to us.)  The good news is this is an entirely avoidable scenario by doing this simple task.

Reflections on Letting Go of Stuff

Reflections on Letting Go of Stuff

We have such a funny attachment to stuff.  Some are more attached to stuff than others.  We often attach memories to stuff and that can be why it’s so darn hard to let go of stuff sometimes.  Or sometimes we let go of it because we know it’s time – and may have a mourning process or momentary regret after. 

5 Tips:  Save Money on Car Maintenance

5 Tips: Save Money on Car Maintenance

Even the wealthiest folks around are known to watch their spending and look for ways to save money.  There is a reason and a way they got to be wealthy, after all.  I love to help people save money with great resources because who doesn't love a good hook-up?!...

How to Downsize your Inbox

How to Downsize your Inbox

Having trouble finding the emails you need and finding yourself constantly using Search to find them?Having a hard time tracking your projects, clients and what is done or not done in your email?Are you overwhelmed at the sheer sight of your ginormous email inbox?...

Tips:  Helping your iPhone Battery Last Longer

Tips: Helping your iPhone Battery Last Longer

Does it stress you out that your iPhone battery dies too quickly?  Here are some super tips for helping your iPhone battery last longer, as forwarded by my totally awesome, biz savvy mom who received it from another awesome person. Thanks Mom! Why does my iPhone...


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