Having trouble finding the emails you need and finding yourself constantly using Search to find them?
Having a hard time tracking your projects, clients and what is done or not done in your email?
Are you overwhelmed at the sheer sight of your ginormous email inbox?
Here are a few tips to get you on your way to Inbox Control!
- Categorize: Create category folders for topics such as Clients: Current, Completed; Projects: Current, Completed; Tasks: Current, Completed and categories like Home, Travel, Kids, etc.
- Create Filters: Filters automatically label your emails as they enter your inbox. –> If you wish your emails to skip your inbox and go directly to the category file folder, indicate “Skip Inbox” when you create the filter.
- Complete: When you are done with a task in an email, assign the label “Completed” and move it out of your inbox to the respective category folder.
- Unsubscribe and Roll Up: Check out this savvy subscription wrangling tool, UnRoll Me. It searches your inbox for subscriptions, piles them all into one location and gives you the option to roll each into a “Daily Rollup,” unsubscribe or keep it in your inbox. Superb!