Does the thought of relocating your home make you want to pull your hair out? What about all the before and after details? What if I told you it doesn’t have to be so bad? What if it could even be Fun? Yes, I said the F word and moving in the same sentence!
Join me for an exciting Facebook Live mid-afternoon chat, Friday May 1 at 2pm with the fantastic Ali Wenke, author of The Art of Happy Moving! Ali is like an accidental professional mover – she and her husband moved 10 times in 11 years, in 7 states across the US. (How did they even do that, right?!)
Now, Ali helps the millions of people who move each year by providing practical tips on how to build a happier life before, during and after the move on her blog The Art of Happy Moving.
We will discuss some top tips for moving and saving your sanity, as well as answer your burning questions on how to declutter, pack and start over, while maintaining your sanity and finding happiness!
If you can’t join us live, ask your questions ahead of time in the discussion so we can get those answered for you!
#theartofhappymoving #aliwenzke #topmovingtips #movingduringcoronavirus #professionalorganizer #virtualorganizer #movemanager #makingspaceforyou