There are legitimate reasons to have a storage unit, many of which are temporary. As the saying goes, ” Storage units are just a series of delayed decisions.” How do you know when it’s time to face the music and let it go? To help yourself decide, ask...
Wondering what trusted and reliable services are available for your home organizing and relocation needs in Greater Seattle? I’ve compiled my favorite folks into one place, Resources. They are my preferred providers and my first go-tos for client needs in the...
Does the thought of relocating your home make you want to pull your hair out? What about all the before and after details? What if I told you it doesn’t have to be so bad? What if it could even be Fun? Yes, I said the F word and moving in the same sentence! Join...
Now that you’re post-poning your move to #staysafe and #stayhome, you’re stuck at home with all the overwhelming chaos and clutter. Ugh! And, I have good news! You have the amazing opportunity to clear, create and elevate your home now for your home later: Get...
We have such a funny attachment to stuff. Some are more attached to stuff than others. We often attach memories to stuff and that can be why it’s so darn hard to let go of stuff sometimes. Or sometimes we let go of it because we know it’s time –...
If you’ve dreamed of having a functional, feed-good home or home moving experience – and are limited by some of the following, say good-bye to those limitations because Virtual Organizing and Move Management Services are here! #coronacreativesolutions...
When do you start preparing for a move? NOW. Whether you know you’re moving, are considering moving OR you just know that the time in your current home is limited, start now. It’s really never too early to start. The earlier you start, the less stressful and yes,...
Super excited to present my newest offering to you – and those you know who desperately need it!…. Got To Dos in your home organizing and/or relocate that need TahDah!-ing? You think you can do it yourself BUT it’s totally mind boggling, you...
Well, it’s a new year and with the new year comes time to purge, archive and shred old files – yay purging! It’s also time to get ready for taxes, which I know just tickles you to the tips of your toes, right? (That was dry sarcasm, for those of you not...
Charities can be selective, understandably, about what items they accept and what areas they serve. Following are some tips to help make your donation process easier: Plan and book your pick up several weeks ahead for your donation deadline. Educate yourself on what...
Having trouble finding the emails you need and finding yourself constantly using Search to find them?Having a hard time tracking your projects, clients and what is done or not done in your email?Are you overwhelmed at the sheer sight of your ginormous email inbox?...